🇩🇪🇨🇭 Travelling between Lörrach and Basel

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The Lörrach fare zone (Baden-Württemberg) allows travel to Basel Bad and Basel SBB.

When FAIRTIQ is active for "Baden-Württemberg", your ticket allows you to travel by train to Basel SBB and Basel Bad. However, international journeys by tram and bus are not yet possible with FAIRTIQ.

FAIRTIQ at Basel SBB and Basel Bad

As the Basel SBB and Basel Bad Bf stations are located in both the Swiss FAIRTIQ region and the FAIRTIQ BW region, both regions are available here. Please ensure that you have selected the correct region before starting FAIRTIQ:

  • Travel from Basel to Germany: Region Baden-Württemberg
  • Travel from Basel to Switzerland: Region Switzerland/Liechtenstein

Learn more about FAIRTIQ regions on Change and travel between FAIRTIQ regions