To ensure quality and accuracy, FAIRTIQ might take a few seconds to finalize your trip. In rare cases, the process of ending a trip might take longer. This article outlines the possible reasons for any delays in concluding your trip.
Why the process of ending a trip might take longer:
- You have restricted FAIRTIQ's access to your location by closing the app or stopping location services. Please make sure the app can access your location.
- You are inside a building or an underground station where the location detection is weak. Please leave FAIRTIQ running in the background and the trip will finalize automatically within a few minutes.
- FAIRTIQ has detected that you are still travelling. The app will stop your trip once your final destination has been reached.
- You have no internet connection because of restricted wifi or weak signal.
Don't force close the app. Just let it run in the background.
If your final price is wrong, please report the wrong trip from your app. Our customer support will get back to you shortly.