😢 Tariffs not supported (CH)

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Tariffs not supported in Switzerland / Liechtenstein

Unfortunately, FAIRTIQ is not allowed to sell certain tickets 😢

We want to ensure you have the best travel experience in Switzerland, so here's a heads-up on the tariffs and tickets that FAIRTIQ cannot currently sell:

  • Supersaver tickets
  • Some mountain transports (more info on this link)
  • Multiple-journey tickets
  • Some special and local offers that often serve as "tourism" pass, such as:

    • Day pass from Chemin de Fer du Jura
    • Ticket for the boat crossing between Horgen and Meilen
    • Cruise "tours" tickets
  • Monthly/Yearly passes
  • 24h passes
  • Group tickets (such as a day pass valid for more than 1 person).